

Our therapy concept focuses the clients´ individual goals and complaints. This client orientated approach is based on listening the client´s history thoroughly and performing a conscientious physical examination of all relevant structures. That´s why we usually ask for sufficient time in the first meeting. For reliably recording therapy effects we often use special questionnaires in the diagnostic and documentation process (see more under Downloads - English questionnaires can be provided on request). The clinical findings and their possible contributing influences on the client´s complaints are discussed with the client. Particular activities of daily life from both leisure and employment are investigated. Due to their repetitive nature these activities can contribute to overloading the movement system. Based on the client´s goals and the clinical findings, together with the client, we develop a goal attainment plan. This procedure empowers the client to understand, and make the connection between the root cause and the complaint. This enables our clients to become experts of their own body.
We advocate a modern concept of physiotherapy in which the patient is both the customer and an active partner in defining the therapy process. This is why we prefer to use the term client (instead of patient).